Madrid to Vigo Train

Planning to take a train from Madrid to Vigo? Enjoy the convenience and comfort of modern trains with picturesque landscapes along the way. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!

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Departure station:
Puerta de Atocha

Plaza Emperador Carlos V, 28045, Madrid, Spain

Distance by train:

​644 km/ 400 mi

Arrival station:
Guixar station
Vigo, Spain

Madrid to Vigo Train Information

Shortest time
Shortest travel time

4 hrs 12 min

Longest time
Longest travel time

5 hrs 50 min

Daily departures
Price starts from
Opting for a fast and modern train presents one of the most efficient ways to journey from Madrid to Vigo. With multiple travel classes available, expedited travel times averaging around 5 hours, and an extensive timetable featuring up to 9 daily departures, these high-speed trains are meticulously designed to cater to passengers' needs for a comfortable journey. Offering large panoramic windows, passengers can also indulge in the picturesque scenery. Additionally, the proximity of train stations to city centers and convenient access to public transportation ensures seamless navigation throughout the cities.

Madrid to Vigo Train Time

Train type
Earliest Train
Latest Train
Fastest Trip
Departures / Day
Morning trains
4 hrs 18 min
Afternoon trains
4 hrs 12 min
Evening trains
4 hrs 18 min

*Check the current Madrid to Vigo train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja

Madrid to Vigo Train Classes

​​Trains operated by Renfe generally offer two classes of service, Turista (Second class) and Preferente (First class). However, if you choose to travel around Europe using the AVE high-speed service, you should be aware that these trains also offer Turista Plus (second class advanced), which includes first class seats, but is not equipped with catering services during the weekday.

FAQ: Madrid - Vigo Train

Book Train Tickets From Madrid to Vigo

Madrid to Vigo Railway Map

Traveling from Madrid to Vigo by train will provide you with an unforgettable experience. It takes approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes for passengers to travel and they will not have to change trains at any point. Check out the Madrid-Vigo train route on the railway map.
Madrid to Vigo Train Map

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