Madrid to Zaragoza Train

Planning to take a train from Madrid to Zaragoza? Enjoy the convenience and comfort of modern trains with picturesque landscapes along the way. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!

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Departure station:
Puerta de Atocha

Plaza Emperador Carlos V, 28045, Madrid, Spain

Distance by train:

​306 km/ 190 mi

Arrival station:
Miraflores (Zaragoza) Railway Station


Zaragoza, Spain

Madrid to Zaragoza Train Information

Shortest time
Shortest travel time

1 hr 14 min

Longest time
Longest travel time

8 hrs 31 min

Daily departures
Price starts from
For the quickest journey between Madrid and Zaragoza, hop on a direct Renfe train. Aboard the AVE high-speed trains, you can traverse the sun-drenched landscapes of Spain and reach the captivating city of Zaragoza in just 1.5 hours. Renowned for their speed and efficiency, these trains are a top choice for travelers along this route. With an impressive lineup of 47 daily departures, planning your trip is hassle-free, allowing you to relax and enjoy the comfortable onboard amenities.

Dive deeper into the world of train travel by exploring the Madrid to Zaragoza train route and information on Rail Ninja.
The Iryo train from Madrid to Zaragoza provides a quick and comfortable journey between these two important Spanish cities. The high-speed service takes around 1.5 hours, offering a convenient way to travel across the scenic Aragon region. Passengers can enjoy onboard amenities like free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and spacious seating, making the trip both relaxing and efficient. Whether you're visiting Zaragoza for business or leisure, Iryo ensures a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Madrid to Zaragoza Train Time

Train type
Earliest Train
Latest Train
Fastest Trip
Departures / Day
Morning trains
1 hr 14 min
Afternoon trains
1 hr 15 min
Evening trains
1 hr 15 min

*Check the current Madrid to Zaragoza train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja

Madrid to Zaragoza Train Classes

​​Trains operated by Renfe generally offer two classes of service, Turista (Second class) and Preferente (First class). However, if you choose to travel around Europe using the AVE high-speed service, you should be aware that these trains also offer Turista Plus (second class advanced), which includes first class seats, but is not equipped with catering services during the weekday.

FAQ: Madrid - Zaragoza Train

Book Train Tickets From Madrid to Zaragoza

Madrid to Zaragoza Railway Map

Traveling from Madrid to Zaragoza by train will provide you with an unforgettable experience. It takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes for passengers to travel and they will not have to change trains at any point. Check out the Madrid - Zaragoza train route on the railway map.
Madrid to Zaragoza Train Map

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