Valencia to Alicante Train
Planning to take a train from Valencia to Alicante? Experience the convenience and comfort of modern rail travel as you journey through scenic landscapes and historic landmarks. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!
Valencia to Alicante Train Information
2 hrs 8 min
2 hrs 38 min
Valencia to Alicante Train Time
*Check the current Valencia to Alicante train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja
FAQ: Valencia - Alicante Train
A train traveling from Valencia to Alicante will take about 110 miles, or 177 kilometers.
The price starts at 32 USD per person and depends on the coach class and how much in advance it is being booked.
Book Train Tickets From Valencia to Alicante
Valencia to Alicante Railway Map
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