Seville to Barcelona Train
Seville to Barcelona Train: Time, Distance & Ticket Cost
5 hrs 23 min
12 hrs 5 min
Please, keep in mind that the Seville to Barcelona distance between the cities is 828 km (514 mi), and the duration of the trip can significantly differ based on the chosen type of train. The shortest travel time is around 5 hours and 30 minutes, and the longest journey can last more than 10 hours.
Seville to Barcelona Train Time
*Check the current Seville to Barcelona train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja
FAQ: Seville - Barcelona Train
Being the fastest travel option on the route, AVE Seville to Barcelona high-speed train covers the distance of 828 kilometers (515 miles) between these destinations in just 5,5 hours!
Depending on the proximity of booking to the departure date and preferred coach class, you can count on different prices. On Rail Ninja, you can browse the Seville to Barcelona train schedule, find out more about the available rail services, and book your tickets in advance to catch better rates!
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Seville - Barcelona Railway Map
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