Valencia to Malaga Train

Planning to take a train from Valencia to Malaga? Enjoy the convenience and comfort of modern trains with picturesque landscapes along the way. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!

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Departure station:
Joaquin Sorolla

Carrer de Sant Vicent Màrtir, 171, 46007, Valencia, Spain

Distance by train:

​469 km/ 291 mi

Arrival station:
Malaga Maria Zambrano

Calle Mendívil, 29002

Málaga, Spain​

Valencia to Malaga Train Information

Shortest time
Shortest travel time

5 hrs 9 min

Longest time
Longest travel time

6 hrs 49 min

Daily departures
Price starts from
A country as captivating as Spain undoubtedly ranks among the world's most picturesque destinations, and for good reason. With breathtaking landmarks like Mount Teide, Mirador del Rio, and Ronda, it's a paradise for those who revel in natural beauty. Embarking on a leisurely train journey across Spain presents an unparalleled opportunity to immerse oneself in its splendor. Take, for instance, the swift and modern trains from Valencia to Malaga, where passengers can luxuriate in comfortable seating, ample legroom, and spacious luggage storage, ensuring a delightful travel experience.

Valencia to Malaga Train Time

Train type
Earliest Train
Latest Train
Fastest Trip
Departures / Day
Morning trains
5 hrs 9 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 51 min

*Check the current Valencia to Malaga train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja

Valencia to Malaga Train Classes

​​Trains operated by Renfe generally offer two classes of service, Turista (Second class) and Preferente (First class). However, if you choose to travel around Europe using the AVE high-speed service, you should be aware that these trains also offer Turista Plus (second class advanced), which includes first class seats, but is not equipped with catering services during the weekday.

FAQ: Valencia - Malaga Train

Book Train Tickets From Valencia to Malaga

Valencia to Malaga Railway Map

Traveling from Valencia to Malaga by train will provide an unforgettable experience. The journey takes approximately 5.5 hours, and passengers do not have to change trains at any point. Check out the Valencia - Malaga train route on the railway map.
Valencia to Malaga Train Map

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