Seville to Granada Train
Planning to travel from Seville to Granada by train? Enjoy the convenience and comfort of modern trains with picturesque landscapes along the way. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!
Av. de Andaluces, 20,
Granada, Spain
Seville to Granada Train Information
2 hrs 30 min
4 hrs 4 min
Seville to Granada Train Timetable
*Check the current Seville to Granada train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja
Seville to Granada Train Classes
FAQ About Train From Seville to Granada
There is a distance of 251 kilometers (156 miles) between these two beautiful Spanish cities if you travel by train.
The Seville to Granada train trip is around 2.5 hours on the AVE bullet train service.
Book Train Tickets From Seville to Granada
Seville to Granada Railway Map
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